About Yolanda Perez

As early as I can recall I was a curious kid who asked a lot of questions. The big three were, "Why do we behave the way that we do"? "Why am I here"? What is my purpose? Those that I asked either didn't know, told me to be quiet, or directed me to go within to find the answers, which ended up being the best answer.

As I matured into adulthood, like you, I was quickly enrolled in the school of life to discover the answers. But what I didn't know was that I had to go through so much to gain the knowledge and wisdom I now have. Life taught me steadfastness, self-awareness, pain, healing, and most of all, love!

I am well equipped with the knowledge and the expertise needed to help you obtain a state of clarity and happiness that you may have never experienced before. I am a retired Army veteran with over 23 years of service. While serving, I was trained in the areas of leadership, resilience, sensitivity, equal opportunity, management, and the list goes on for an over 23-plus-year career. After retirement, I completed my master's at South University as a Clinical Mental Health Counselor working with clients diagnosed with depression, anxiety, bipolar I and II, and stress. My approach is simple, let's work together to uncover the underlying sources of your stress and implement a tailored program that will motivate you to make the changes you are now ready to make. As a team, we will make sure that you are moving progressively in the direction of true healing and not just another temporary suppression of your symptoms.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Reach out to me today!

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I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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